


RISE at Rutgers is a nationally acclaimed summer research program for outstanding undergraduates from diverse backgrounds. Scholars participate in 10 weeks of cutting-edge research in the biological, physical, and social/ behavioral sciences, math, engineering, and exciting interdisciplinary areas under the guidance of carefully matched faculty mentors. A comprehensive professional development component, including GRE preparation, complements the research.

If you are a high-achieving student, passionate about research, and considering graduate school, then RISE may be for you. By applying to RISE, you can opt to be automatically be considered for our sister National Science Foundation REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) and other programs at Rutgers.

We particularly encourage applications from students from underrepresented, disadvantaged, non-traditional or first-generation college backgrounds or who attend schools with limited research opportunities.


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Hector Loyola Irizarry

"Amazing research, a welcoming lab, and the experience necessary to apply for a competitive PhD program."

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© 2017, The School of Graduate StudiesRutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Please contact us with any questions or comments.

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